Spellcraft Saturdays: Putting the “Craft” in “Spellcraft”
There are always a ton of people asking for spells, or asking someone else to cast a spell for them. Part of Witchcraft, however, is empowerment and empowering yourself to make changes in your own life.
So, I thought it might be a great idea to discuss how to craft your own spells! It is thought that creating your own spells is much more potent than using someone else’s spell, or a pre-written one because it has your time and energy put into it. Many believe that this enhances the energy of the spell. You can also tailor your spell more to your specific needs and beliefs, as well.
The fun thing about creating your spells is that, as you get more knowledgeable and confident in your personal Craft, you can embellish and change things more to suit your specific needs and beliefs, as well!
Here are some steps to crafting some basic spells of your very own!
Step 1: What is the goal?
You want to decide what you’re trying to accomplish with this spell. Are you looking for a job, or one that better suits your needs and time constraints? Are you trying to ramp up your own business? Maybe you need more self-love or confidence? Or are you trying to get a situation ruled in your favor?
Whatever the goal of the spell is, it is an important step. It’s better if you can be as specific about your goal as possible, too, as that will better help you decide on what method and correspondences you need for your spell, as well.
As an example, if you’re looking for a job, a candle spell may be your best bet. But if you’re looking to get a higher-paying job, a promotion at work, or for your resume and interview to stand out, a jar spell might work out better.
The ultimate goal will also determine which ingredients you use for your spell, as well.
Step 2: Ingredients
Many ingredients, namely herbs and crystals, have similar metaphysical properties, but each is slightly different and can be used to tailor your spell to your specific goals.
What will you need in order to cast the spell? What’s going to give it that extra “oomph” that will help you achieve your goal?
A fun aspect of crafting your spells is mixing and matching ingredients and correspondences. As a wonderful mentor has said in a few of her classes, you want as many things going for you when working a spell as possible.
Let’s look at that job spell again. Instead of just grabbing a candle and lighting it, why not look at color correspondences? For instance, green is typically associated with abundance, prosperity, growth, and luck. However, if you’re looking for a raise or promotion, you could also use gold, which is associated with success and financial increase.
And, instead of just grabbing a specifically colored candle and lighting it, why not dress it with an oil and herbs that are also geared towards your goal? You could get super wild with it and also have a couple of crystals nearby that can lend their energy to your spell, as well. Are you going to invoke any deities or spirits to assist you?
Step 3: Timing
Now, this is where people will tend to have some differing opinions. For some traditions, timing, especially the phase of the moon, is crucial to working a spell properly. So deciding when to do the spell may be super important for you.
Different moon phases, different days of the week, and even different times of the day all have different magickal correspondences that may assist or hinder your spell. Does that mean you *have* to wait to do your money working until a waxing or full moon that lands on a Sunday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, exactly as it hits the hour of Jupiter or the Sun? Not at all, no. But if you can time your spell to coincide with at least one of these correspondences, it is recommended in some traditions.
Many traditions say that after a few weeks–some even go as far as to say, specifically, 28 days, or a lunar month–it may be time to revisit the spell and see if anything needs to be changed. Once changes are made, feel free to cast the spell again.
Step 4: Wording
Wording can also be extremely important. It doesn’t have to be the next great masterpiece, but sometimes working out what you’re going to say before you do your spell, what spirits you’re going to call on, and how you’re going to call them can all help, as well.
The wording can be as complex or as simple as you like, or you may opt to not say anything at all.
Final Tips
Other than the four steps above, you may want to determine where you’ll be doing your spell, if you’ll be casting Circle, and how you’ll be raising, releasing, and grounding your energy.
Another crucial tip is not only to write down the actual components of the spell itself, but to also write down a way to track when you do the spell, if and how long it takes to manifest, how it manifested, etc. Writing the spell down will keep you organized, and you won’t have to use as much of your energy trying to remember the spell components. But how are you supposed to know if and how well the spell worked, if you don’t keep a record of the effects and how long it took to manifest? Or if it manifested at all?
Writing down what you did and how you did it will also give you a great starting point for what you may need to tweak if your spell does not manifest.
My Book of Shadows, where I keep track of everything, is literally just a huge, pretty binder and loose-leaf notebook paper. That way I can rearrange things as needed, and I can add to it without really needing to go out and get another notebook to write in. At least, for now.
Other tips include being extremely specific about your goal, but also being careful of what you wish for. Always go into a working with the mindset of it working — meaning, make sure you are absolutely sure that the goal is what you want, and that you are very clear on exactly what you want.
I hope you find this “starter guide” helpful!
Please feel free to share any other tips and tricks for writing your own spells in the comments! Blessed be!